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What constitutes a 'Sports' injury?


Sports injuries are a term used to describe injuries sustained during high-intensity sport. Typically, this means that injuries were triggered by a sudden force, impact or collision.


How are Sports Injuries treated?


The specific nature of the injury is first assessed by your healthcare practitioner (RMT, Chiro or Physiotherapist, etc.) and after identifying the specific nature of the injury (tendon, muscle, ligament, etc.) and the severity, your healthcare practitioner will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that will guide you through your recovery process. This treatment plan may look different dependent on age, sport, severity or goal upon return to sport. 

What should I expect with treatment?


As previously mentioned, the specific treatment required will depend highly on what is injured, the stage of healing and the therapist you are seeing. Your trained healthcare provider will make the appropriate recommendations on the treatment that would benefit you the most and will refer out to another practitioner if they deem another service to be of greater benefit. 


Key Injury Flow Charts


  • Chiropractors can help athletes facilite recovery and prevent injuries. For any sport injury, chiropractic care can help with pain management through soft tissue therapy such as massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy in addition to manipulations. 


Shoulder injuries

Shoulder injuries are common in throwing and overhead sports. Chiropractic care can be beneficial for some shoulder injuries by promoting overall shoulder health through improving joint function, reducing pain and improving movement. Manual therapy such as mobilizations and manipulations can address restrictions while soft tissue therapy can lesson tension and adhesions around the joint. 


Shoulder conditions: 

  • Rotator cuff injuries 

  • Frozen shoulder 

  • Shoudler impingement 

  • AC joint injuries 

  • Shoulder instability 

  • Thoracic outlet syndrome 

  • Posture relating to the shoulder 


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!



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