In my new video blog series, I take you into my world of running and throughout the next weeks, I'll be explaining a lot of what I do. From training runs, intervals, structured workouts with strengthening and conditioning, all the way to food preparation and nutrition! Join me as I chase an elite time in the half-marathon.
In today's episode, I'm heading to South Delta Secondary School in hopes of finding a less crowded track to run some intervals! The structured run today consists of a 3-KM warm-up jog followed by 7 x 3-Minute intervals at increasing speeds <4:20/KM followed by a 3-KM cooldown run. I take a couple detours and find a larger loop to warm-up and cooldown however, and end up adding on an extra 3-KM's above what was planned! Leave any questions or comments you might have down below! Tune in next week!