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Training during the quarantine and even leading up to this year has felt difficult. Whether it's running, frequenting yoga class or even doing home workouts, I am certain that many of you out there might be feeling the same change of pace or rhythm. But no matter the reason though, it's not as simple as "just doing it" as Nike so often says.

Rhythms are incredibly important. We wake up, brush our teeth, hop in the shower, check to see if that favorite shirt we like is clean and folded, we swing by the same Starbucks down the block. Most of us even drive the same way to work everyday (even though we shouldn't but that's a post for another day, haha). There's no doubt that rhythms play a vital role in our daily lives - it's the ebb and flow of our meetings, errands, social excursions and how we fit exercise and activity into our schedules. Rhythm grants a smoothness to our days. Without it, things are messy and inconsistent. Without rhythm, music feels disjointed. Off-time.

In the same way, progression in sport and fitness requires a rhythm. Whether it's a training program, strength and conditioning regimen or speed training in running, our bodies require a progressive rhythm that pushes us just the right amount. Our bodies adapt and tune themselves to what we expose ourselves to. And given the right increments in progression, the right pace, the right intensity, we're capable of some pretty amazing things.

During this season, I've learned to get back into that rhythm. Whether it's getting consistent with venturing out for a run regardless of distance or not avoiding training on days where it's raining. These consistent efforts accumulate and they allow me to fall in love with the process all over again. There was a time when I dreaded putting my shoes on to go run in the rain, but now I relish in it. There was a time where I would default to relaxing at home or using the excuse of "I have work to do," but now I am excited to etch out the time in my day to go out and run. To me, running is a marathon and not a sprint and whether I go through stages where I run often or not at all, I know that it is inextricably linked to my life rhythm and I know that I will always come back to it. The next races I have coming up are not likely to be personal bests - but showing up at the starting line is another part of building the rhythm and momentum and making my comeback.

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